Animal Lost & Found

Please complete the form below and tell us about the pet

Basic Information -
I have a: Lost Found
Name of Animal? Leave blank if unknown
Species Of Animal: What kind of animal? Iguana, Gecko, Turtle?
Date lost/found?
Age Approx. Age: 4 years, 10 years.
Weight Approx Weight
Special markings

Your Name:
Your Phone:
Your eMail:

Your Address

Nearest Intersection Lost/found (Address is ok ie: "123 4th st, longmont, co" OR "1st & main street, longmont, co")
Is the animal injured?
Appearing alert/is active?
How long are you able to care for the (found) animal before transferring the animal to CoRHS in Longmont?

Any notes or comments?
If possible, can you forward pictures of the lost/found animal to:
Be sure to have the subject "(ID: 10-03-2024, 20:42:34) Photos for my Lost/Found animal
Colorado Reptile Humane Society - Foster update Application